TKO Medical stands for "Travis", "Ken" and "Others". We are a close-knit team of individuals who genuinely care about the needs of our clients. We take pride in the work we do, and we have a deep understanding that this profession is not just a job but a calling.
Both the facilities we serve and the end users of the products we sell have become like family to us, and we plan on keeping it that way! Every person who wears the TKO badge has the experience, knowledge and heart to make a difference in the lives of people in need. We have a creed at TKO which is the driving mission of everything we do; WE DON'T JUST SELL WHEELCHAIRS...WE “KNOCK OUT” MOBILITY ISSUES TO HELP OUR CLIENTS KEEP EM' MOVING!
Travis Godden
Travis was introduced to complex rehab back on 2003 when he began his medical equipment company in Fresno, Ca. He has always put the patients he served and his staff first and this passion is alive and well today in serving the Long Term Care and Skilled Nursing facilities. Travis is committed to our company's core values of passion, honesty, execution and vision. Travis and Ken and their team truly love what they do and want to continue to collaborate with facilities throughout California to continue to add value and quality to their operations for years to come.
Ken Rasmussen
Ken has been a CEO for non- profit corporations over the last 20 years. He has focused on serving the needs of communities through various avenues to improve the lives of others. In 2012 he launched TKO Medical along with Travis in the complex rehab field to expand his care for people. His keen ability to identify the needs of people and the opportunities to assist them in their success, has been a key component to the growth and expansion of TKO Medical as a leader in Skilled Nursing Homes and Long Term Care. His passion to improve the quality of lives of people permeates throughout his years of service and continues to overflow in the medical field today.
When we use the term others we are including the staff we have but also all the wonderful people we work with within the walls of the facilities we serve and their corporate headquarters as well. TKO Medical has an excellent support team to assist them in successfully providing medical equipment throughout California. From our Office Manager, Medical Records Director, Sales Representatives to our Rehab Seating Technicians, we are committed to being excellent and passionate about bringing our best to the job and getting that job done right and efficiently